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Anxiety Disorder Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
रोज़मर्रा की भागदौड़ भरी ज़िंदगी में चिंता होना आम बात है ।पर यही चिंता अगर आपके मन में स्थायी रूप से घर बना ले तो बीमारी का रूप ले लेती है। दरअसल चिंता आपके मस्तिष्क का तनाव पर प्रतिक्रिया करने का तरीका है। किसी ना किसी बात पर हम सभी चिंता करते हैं। कभी कभार होने वाली चिंता कोई बड़ी बात नहीं। लेकिन लगातार चिंता में घिरे रहना औऱ उसके कारण बेचैनी महसूस करना खतरनाक हो सकता है।अत्यधिक चिंता आपको काम, स्कूल, पारिवारिक मेलजोल और अन्य सामाजिक स्थितियों से बचने के लिए प्रेरित कर सकत...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Everyone feels anxious at some point in time or another. However, simply feeling anxious is quite different from what people with anxiety disorder feel on a daily basis. A number of conditions can be termed as anxiety disorders and all of them have an underlying trigger, which causes the nervousness, fear and terror, in certain situations.
However, people often disregard anxiety disorders as simple nervousness. Here are some reasons why anxiety disorders can be extremely serious and war...more
However, people often disregard anxiety disorders as simple nervousness. Here are some reasons why anxiety disorders can be extremely serious and war...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Are you suffering from social anxiety phobia and are looking for ways to get over it? Social anxiety refers to the anxiety in anticipating any kind of social situation or after a certain situation. The fear of evaluation accounts for being the primary factor of social anxiety phobia.
Here are the various ways by which you can deal with social anxiety phobia:
Self-help Manual: Self-help manuals are a supplement for this therapy. They act as an effective tool, which helps you to...more
Here are the various ways by which you can deal with social anxiety phobia:
Self-help Manual: Self-help manuals are a supplement for this therapy. They act as an effective tool, which helps you to...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Most people today begin and end their days by looking into their phones. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform, chances are that you devote a lot of time to browsing through other people s lives and comparing them to yours. Social media platforms are a great way to keep in touch with people but they can have a negative effect on you as well. Social media is slowly becoming a common reason for depression. Here s how.
Glamour vs reality: A friend may ...more
Glamour vs reality: A friend may ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is also known as OCD. It is a mental ailment that causes specific changes in the brain as well as the behaviour of the patient. It can also cause severe anxiety and lead the patient to consume a lot of time for completing even the most normal tasks. These obsessions are like thoughts, images and even videos playing where the cause of a certain action becomes more profound with the number of imagined risks if it is not done in a specific way, as per the mind of the p...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
एंग्जायटी (Anxiety) का ही विस्तार है दुःख, बुरा महसूस करना, दैनिक गतिविधियों में रुचि ना होना या खुशी ना रहना. हम इन सभी बातों से परिचित ही होते हैं लेकिन जब यही सारे लक्षण किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन में अधिक समय तक बने रहते हैं और उस व्यक्ति को बहुत अधिक प्रभावित करने लगते हैं, तो इसे आप एंग्जायटी कहते हैं.
हमारे रोजमर्रा की चुनौतियों के प्रति हमारी अस्थायी भावुक प्रतिक्रियाएं डिप्रेशन का कारण नहीं बन सकती हैं. इसी तरह जब हमारे किसी नजदीकी की मौत होती है और हम दुखी होते हैं तो उस भावना को भी...more
हमारे रोजमर्रा की चुनौतियों के प्रति हमारी अस्थायी भावुक प्रतिक्रियाएं डिप्रेशन का कारण नहीं बन सकती हैं. इसी तरह जब हमारे किसी नजदीकी की मौत होती है और हम दुखी होते हैं तो उस भावना को भी...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Are you suffering from social anxiety phobia and are looking for ways to get over it? Social anxiety refers to the anxiety in anticipating any kind of social situation or after a certain situation. The fear of evaluation accounts for being the primary factor of social anxiety phobia. Here are the various ways by which you can deal with social anxiety phobia:
Self-help Manual: Self-help manuals are a supplement for this therapy. They act as an effective tool, which helps you to work on y...more
Self-help Manual: Self-help manuals are a supplement for this therapy. They act as an effective tool, which helps you to work on y...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
घबराहट एक ऐसी समस्या है जिसपर यदि ध्यान नहीं दिया गया तो काफी मुश्किल हो सकती है. लेकिन इसके लिए कुछ असं से उपाय अपनाकर हम काफी राहत महसूस कर सकते हैं. आज व् यस् त जीवनशैली और आगे बढ़ने की होड़ के कारण लोगों में एंग्जायटी की समस्या तेजी से बढ़ रही है. आइए घबराहट से निपटने के तरीकों के बारे में जानें.
घबराहट के लिए घरेलू उपचार
घबराहट यानि एंग्जायटी एक प्रकार का मानसिक विकार है. इसे मेडिकल भाषा में एंग्जायटी डिस् ऑर्डर को नर्वस सिस्टम पर अधिक प्रेशर पड़ना भी कहते हैं. एंग्जायटी से ग्र...more
घबराहट के लिए घरेलू उपचार
घबराहट यानि एंग्जायटी एक प्रकार का मानसिक विकार है. इसे मेडिकल भाषा में एंग्जायटी डिस् ऑर्डर को नर्वस सिस्टम पर अधिक प्रेशर पड़ना भी कहते हैं. एंग्जायटी से ग्र...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Celebrities all around the world have a huge fan base on their social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. But recently, it has been reported that numerous celebrities are quitting social media and taking a break from it to focus on their mental health.
Such celebrities include Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and many other world-famous icons. Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran are also on this list alongside one of the biggest YouTube icon Lily Singh a...more
Such celebrities include Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and many other world-famous icons. Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran are also on this list alongside one of the biggest YouTube icon Lily Singh a...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
The highest and most important level through which the human being functions is the mental level. The mental plane of an individual is that which registers changes in understanding and consciousness, reflecting the true essence of that person. It enables an individual to think, to complete, and to peruse the purpose of life. Disturbance of these functions in turns constitute the symptoms of mental affections, such as
Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause
Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause
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